Monday, April 22, 2013

Third day of my OJT

April 22,2013

        On the Third day of my OJT, I arrived almost ten mins after 8am because I woke up late.. I started to think of what I should make that LCDPI would like.  I took my time to think of a new design and style to change their old poster and I tried to find some meaningful and inspiration on what they were doing..  I  helped my group to  post on the bulletin board the names & positions of Young Voice project . I helped the staff to set up things for Young voice members.  I took a picture of singer and co..  I continued my work on Photoshop so I can have more ideas to make new picture design. Then one of their staff asked me to help and sign all the papers by name and date. I worked myself so hard. I felt exhausted as the day went on but I kept working on it for I don't like  doing nothing and I want to do a good job.  This is my first time to do many tasks and I felt I am really needed not like my OJT during ACT where I felt bored  most of the time just waiting for the day to pass. 


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