Saturday, April 27, 2013

On My Seventh day of my OJT

April 26, 2013

              On My seventh day of OJT, I arrived early before 8am. I took a deep  breath before I started to work because people were very busy about projects and many things..  I started to help and support them to finish their unfinished business because they have to leave to go somewhere.  I started to get busy by cutting papers & tag stickers, packing those donation stuffs which included t-shirts, nails, tools, and massage and medical suits.   Voices President asked me to take a pic of them again while packing.  One of my classmates came and help me to pack everything because they wanted it to be done fast.
               The work I've been doing has taught me patience and be hardworking.  I am beginning to understand what OJT is all about.  Preparing us to face the real world!

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