Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fourth day of my OJT

April 23,2012

        On the Fourth day of my OJT,  I arrived at the office early about 7:45am. I started to fix the files where my work was kept.   While I was checking my files I was also thinking and looking around stuffs in the office to get some ideas. I had this idea that I wanted to make design poster for Young Voice by using PS and arranged those pictures on it.
Then the YV President asked me to take pictures of their members and equipment because she needed those pictures for their organization and so I did and helped arrange fix those pictures after which I send them to her. I also helped with the others with what they needed. I love helping out and doing assignments for them like what my experience was during OJT in ACT..
I made another poster for Young Voices and I was glad that they liked my second poster design that they needed for Facebook page.  I learned something different like putting  some design on words, pictures and background that I made through processing, and editing the pictures and background to be added by other tools where I tried to do something unique or of different style. 
After my work was done, I helped one of my classmates to find and match two different papers. I tried to control the sleepy feeling that I felt while helping my classmate and I did .

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