Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fourteen day of my OJT

May 7, 2013

             On the fourteenth day of my OJT.. I arrived early... I wrapped my stuff and got ready to work . I joined my classmate who was fixing some papers and putting them in folders.  I checked and transferred all papers arranged by names.  I was not feeling well and have a very bad headache.  I took medicine for headache during lunch time. ..
             After lunch, I started cleaning the Office because  the President and Chairman of LCDPFI are coming with some visitors.  As I was cleaning and mopping the floor of that room, the Chairman saw me and she appreciates what I was doing...
             After cleaning, our supervisor gave me some more filing and arranging of papers to be put in different folders.  I felt so hot not only in our Office but also I felt the heat in the Fastfood place.  So many papers to file fortunately one of my classmates helped me finish my work because she knew I have severe headache.
              When I arrived home, I vomited so I went directly to bed and rested.          

Creative Artwork Finals

May 7, 2013


       This is my Final Creative Artwork which summarizes the work I did in my On The Job Training at LCDPFI. and the values I learned that would hopefully guide me to be a good Photographer when I go out in the real world.

       At the center is a picture of a camera, the tool I used to document my period of training. There are also some pictures I took during this period.  I added some artwork to make it more attractive.  I chose to put the four values I learned, in green background because green is the color of hope  As I have said, I am hoping these four values will be my guide in the future.

Rest Day on weekends

May 6, 2013

              During the weekend, I worked on my finals.  I started to prepare my Creative Artwork on Adobe Illustrator.  It took me two hours (7pm to 9pm) to finished it.  I had to add some design and pictures on it.  I just figured it out from my sketch and this made me feel interesting because I think I am improving using the Illustrator.  I know I can get better.  And I am happy with what came out as my Creative Artwork.

Thirteen day of my OJT

May 6,2013

               On the Thirteenth day of my OJT, I woke up later than usual.  To me, this Monday is not the best day to go to work.  The MRT train that I was in broke down and had to wait for another one which took a while.  Finally, I arrived here at my workplace at about 8:30 AM.  I felt so tired of commuting because of the hassle and traffic.  I started to work on my Finals.  Ms. Bella gave me the task:  I have to find the names of files to be matched with their list of PWDs.  But the list is very long and hard to match those names.  My neck and shoulders started to hurt but I have to finish my work... At about 4:30 to 5 PM, I began to feel drowsy and sleepy just looking at those names.  Finally I finished it and hopefully, after my OJT, I can get some rest and maybe do something about my aching shoulders.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Twelfth of my OJT

May 3, 2013

         On Twelfth day of my OJT.  I arrived, opened up and cleaned our office because its Friday.  I did not have to do anything so I decided to do my work same Illustrator and Photoshop while waiting for their call.
         After lunch, we met a new friend (new OJT trainee).  He is in a wheelchair.  We enjoyed and had a good time communicating. He told us that he needs to work 500 hours of On The Job training.  Wow! that is a lot compared to us who needed 150 hours only.
        I checked and fix the files in one of the computer that I had been using.  Then my classmate told me that we had to continue making the Organizational Chart again until we almost finished it.  I went home late but I love working on something to avoid boredom..  I felt happy and alive even though I kept shaking my head to avoid falling to sleep.. hahaha

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Eleventh of my OJT

May 2,2013

            On the second day of May and eleventh day of my OJT. I was ready and full energy to get to work.  I fixed the table and set up the computer..  
            But our friend Britz informed me that our Boss arrived already from Bohol where she attended an organization meeting with another staff named Pearl.  I was asked to collate some 100 to 200 pcs of paper...OMG...200!!  Anyway, I grouped them into the kind of sheets that they are like payment slips and deposit slips, etc. and stapled them together.  My body felt so hot but I can still feel cool in our office.
            I decided to make an Organizational Chart for LCDPFI after I finished collating the sheets of paper.  I felt a little bit relaxed since arranging those papers made me crazy and confused because I kept counting and checking those pages to see if I got them correctly.  


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tenth day of my OJT

April 30,2013

             On tenth day of my OJT, I felt litte energy to start working. The month of April is almost over and tomorrow is the start of another month. . I felt excitement thinking of what is in store in May or for the upcoming..
             I started to get ready and joined my classmates.  We waited for the other staff to arrive because we were a little bit early.  The staff usually comes in at around 9 Am,  For the rest of the day,  I helped one of my classmates who was working on the computer transferring data to Excel.  I found the work a little boring but that is work but I patiently did  it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ninth day of OJT

April 29, 2013

                Monday, As I started working, one of the staff told me that walk-in visitors who are disabled are coming and that our office is offering support for their needs.  I volunteered as their photographer and she agreed. ....  I saw them having problems with work and their personal needs and I felt I was luckier because I may be deaf but I am not disabled in any other way..  I saw and learned how they tried to work and fulfill their needs then i just wanted to see and learn how LCDPFI  made them happy through donations given to them. t\
               Then I cleaned the Office together with my classmates after our visitors had left.   But before they left, I helped and carried the donations for them and also took a picture of them with our staff.. I felt like true Red Cross volunteer or something.

My calling card and stationary

April 29,2013

My Calling Card

  I made my own logo and I got this idea from what lesson FACA  has taught me.   I tried to make it simple that's what color of logo is my favorite blue and I put design of Dslr camera because its the model of  my camera . 
First picture is Logo (the back of calling card), second picture is the face of the calling card, third picture is letter envelope and last fourth picture is letter head.

My Creative Artwork Concept

April 29, 2013

      My super photography being addictive is true.  Taking pictures relaxes me and I enjoy doing it.t.  I brought my small  DSLR camera and I made sure I was using it correctly.  As I started taking pictures,  I felt obsessed and excited and happy and that it's fun.  I took pictures everywhere choosing beautiful places and things.  I was overjoyed and being a professional photographer crossed my mind but sometimes, i felt hard time to take a picture that best picture like quality.  
     It took me two hours, 1pm to 3pm (I began thinking about concept and also making photoshop). that I need a concept or an idea or a theme for my pictures.... It can come from the pictures that I took or before I start taking pictures I must already have an idea of the theme of the pictures I am suppose to take.
     But I realized that Photography can be difficult sometimes because of different techniques that one must learn but for now, I am enjoying and taking my time clicking and clicking my camera on whatever things that I see that interests me. 

MIDTERMS: (update late: i added the sketch pad that i was wrong to do that so i understood what you gave me instructions...) 

This is my true idea to make my own DSLR camera that i have been using it for longtime.. there are four words to describe me: ARTISTIC, CREATIVE,  HARDWORKING and MOTIVATED
I plan to use Illustrator for this which i learned in FACA.   I want it to be nice and a great picture or poster.  I want to design something that would inspire others to explore their own talent and skills.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Here's my formal attire....

April 27, 2013

This is my first time to dress up like a Boss and I learned it like my dad who  used to be a Manager of a department of the company he worked for.  I asked my friend to take a picture of me.. I was nervous because I felt that I couldn't do it and m Dad was not here to help me.  My friends were laughing at me because its our first time to take a shot in public looking like this... My boss liked it and if felt good looking like a Boss even it is not real.  Thanks to my idea.. brown pants is cool like high company. hehehe... I want to wear it again because it felt comfortable.

Eight day of my OJT

April 23, 2013


                         I decided to go to work today because Young Voices staff said yesterday that they would be needing a cameraman. I waited for them to set up the equipment and then we started working.  They tested and then recorded their songs and I was filming them.  I enjoyed myself very much being the cameraman filming each young voice singing and recording.  My supervisor was very happy and proud of me being there helping them.  I had experience being volunteer in the past and what you do for them are appreciated.  Everybody was very happy because they were able to finish their project and I felt so happy that I was part of this wonderful project. 

On My Seventh day of my OJT

April 26, 2013

              On My seventh day of OJT, I arrived early before 8am. I took a deep  breath before I started to work because people were very busy about projects and many things..  I started to help and support them to finish their unfinished business because they have to leave to go somewhere.  I started to get busy by cutting papers & tag stickers, packing those donation stuffs which included t-shirts, nails, tools, and massage and medical suits.   Voices President asked me to take a pic of them again while packing.  One of my classmates came and help me to pack everything because they wanted it to be done fast.
               The work I've been doing has taught me patience and be hardworking.  I am beginning to understand what OJT is all about.  Preparing us to face the real world!