Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fourteen day of my OJT

May 7, 2013

             On the fourteenth day of my OJT.. I arrived early... I wrapped my stuff and got ready to work . I joined my classmate who was fixing some papers and putting them in folders.  I checked and transferred all papers arranged by names.  I was not feeling well and have a very bad headache.  I took medicine for headache during lunch time. ..
             After lunch, I started cleaning the Office because  the President and Chairman of LCDPFI are coming with some visitors.  As I was cleaning and mopping the floor of that room, the Chairman saw me and she appreciates what I was doing...
             After cleaning, our supervisor gave me some more filing and arranging of papers to be put in different folders.  I felt so hot not only in our Office but also I felt the heat in the Fastfood place.  So many papers to file fortunately one of my classmates helped me finish my work because she knew I have severe headache.
              When I arrived home, I vomited so I went directly to bed and rested.          

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